What Would You Like to Teach at Our Conference?
You are invited to submit a proposal to give a talk, workshop, lecture with discussion, or other presentation as part of the Kavod v’Nichum annual Chevrah Kadisha and Jewish Cemetery Conference. We would love to learn from and with you!
The online conference this year will be held June 13-16, 2021. All proposals for conference sessions must be received by February 28, 2021. We will respond to your proposal within 14 days.
Your topic must address some aspect of the Jewish death continuum that includes planning, decision-making, serious illness, taharah, shmirah, funeral, burial, mourning and grief, and afterlife. It can include liturgy or text study, history and current events, social and community health aspects, and other relevant areas of study that enrich the learning of Jewish traditions around the end of life.
Each talk should include at least 30 minutes of teaching followed by Q&A or discussion, or alternatively, you can lecture for the entire time with limited interaction with attendees. Conference sessions are usually 60 minutes in length (including discussion time). Speakers are offered an honorarium of $250 per session.
Questions should be directed to info@Jewish-Funerals.org.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
Click here to request to be a speaker and give details of your presentation proposal.
This link takes you to a “registration” form that enters your proposal into the Kavod v’Nichum proposed-speaker database. This information will help us expedite the presentation of your session in the conference program. Entry of your proposal does not guarantee your presentation as part of the conference program.