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Home  »  Core Curriculum Course 6

Course 6: Chevrah Kadisha: International Perspectives

The prerequisites for enrolling in this course include completion of Gamliel Core Courses 1 through 5 and 7, with permission from the Dean.

This is an unusual course.  Jewish end-of-life practice has changed not only over time, but also from place to place.  Course 6 is a trip to historical sites, cemeteries, museums, memorials, Chevrot Kadisha, synagogues, cities, towns, and villages. It is an exploration through time and geography, to compare and discover the depth of chevrah practices throughout the world. This trip examines variation in practices around the world, centered around an 18-day study mission to New York, Prague, and Israel.

The details of this course are dependent upon when and where we go. This course has been offered only once so far, and that trip included New York City, Prague, Tzfat, Jerusalem, and other historic sites related to chevrah evolution, practice, and development. It is expected that future offerings of this course will be very similar. During the 2015 trip we visited many cemeteries, synagogues, Chevrot Kadisha, and ancient historical sites. We experienced 45 events in 18 days. It was very intense, beautiful, meaningful, and rich. The next Course 6 offering will balance these while giving students a truly amazing experience of a lifetime. The course format also includes three 90-minute online classes (one per week) prior to departure to prepare students for the experience of the trip, and two 90-minute online sessions after returning home.

Dates and itinerary for the next Course 6 will be announced as they are finalized.


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Upcoming Schedule for Course 6

Dates and times for this course will be posted here when finalized.


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